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    Melody; Simplicity capturing your attention!

    There is genius behind that simplicity. Behind the complex works of Beethovens' Pathetique are simplistic melody lines, melodic curves and sequences that pique our interest.

    These group of tones, sounded one after another grab our attention. Now this may to some seem too simple, but in reality it is not!
    To compose a melody that is memorable requires ingenuity and basic knowledge of the theory of music.There is no easy formula for success, but all of us can enjoy the end result of a melody that we can whistle to, hum or sing aloud!

    Let's investigate further and search out where the word melody finds its beginnings.

    Websters' Dictionary gives us insight into its origins as follows:

    1. "Melody, in the greek-Melodia-meaning literally Chanting Music."
    2. "Or looking further to the root meaning, it is melos meaning LIMB, a musical phrase"

    Rhythm in partnership with melody can expand the arrangements of sounds, from which a composer can choose with out adding tones.
    In otherwords playing the same note, but each note having a different rhythm,

    A melody requires rhythm to direct its' flow for it to be a unique, worthwhile and memorable accomplishment for the composer. At the same time, melody must stand out, and even stand alone for it to grab the listeners attention!

    Melody is; musical phrases and motifs that are woven into the fabric of a particular song in much the same way handmade rugs are made.
    Those beautiful carpets are planned to have within them colorful high-lites that will catch the eye
    So it is with a melody, that is skillfully woven into the fabric of a song so that it catches our attention.

    A simplistic melody line that comes immediately to my mind is Beethovens' Ode to Joy.
    This wonderful song is a perfect example of the genius of Beethoven using a simple melody coupled with all the other musical components that have made this song an all time favorite!

    So a well written melody must have a flow of natural inflection, phrasing and color, combined with rhythm, form and a touch of genuis for it to last for the ages. To read more of the subject, the tree of music, click hereHarmony, the synchronization of sound

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White Rock, B.C., Canada
25/04/2000 © Bryon Tosoff