Updated 25/04/2000
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Harmony, the Synchronization of Sound!
Harmony is that aspect of music which has a blending of notes and sequences combinded with notes of different pitch producing harmony.
We could also add the word synchronization, that is synchronization of sound. So if we have a melody, add or synchronize other pleasing notes along with the melody, we would have a sound that would fill out the melody.
Let's look closer at the word synchronization.
The word synchronizeis derived from the Latin Synchronos- which literally means : to gether with time.
Syn--together with, Chronos--Time. So for our purposes here, Harmony will be defined as the joining of notes together to produce a pleasing congruent arrangement.
So, we have established that melody, endowed with a rhythmic order, together with the element that supports melody is harmony.
Harmony supports, strenghtens and upholds the melody. So harmony adds not only depth, but support.
It is a partner. A partner that is supporting, guiding and challenging the melody, but not quite leading, Its role is that of a help mate, a part that encourages and supports the melody.
It is apparent that the tree of music is growing towards a climax which will produce a enjoyable result to listen to , let us continue to the next part, Tone, that which colors and enriches.
To read more of the subject, the tree of music, click here that which colors and enriches
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White Rock, B.C., Canada
Updated 25/04/2000
© Bryon Tosoff