Italian Musical Terms and the Definitions in Their English Equivalents
L lacrimoso - -weeping, tearful
lamentando -- mourning
lamentoso - -mournful
languendo--same as languido
languido -- feeble, languishing
largamente -- broadly
larghetto - -not as slow as largo
largo -- slow and broad
legatissimo -- exceedingly smooth
legato - -smoothly
leggicro --lightly
leno - -feeble, faint
lentando -- with increased slowness
lento -- slow
lestamente -- quickly, lively
lesto - -lively quick
libero -- free, unrestrained
liscio -- simple, smooth
1'istesso -- the same
loco - place;return to the written register after playing an octave higher through using 8va
lontano --distant, a great way off
lugubre -- sad, mournful
lunga pausa- - a long pause
lusingando - -alluring, flattering
luttuoso -- sorrowful
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