Italian Musical Terms and the Definitions in Their English Equivalents
da - by, from, for, etc. da capo - a sign at the end of a movement indicating that the player must return to the beginning.
da capo al fine return to the beginning and play to the word "fine"
dal, dalle, dalla - from the, by the, etc.
dal segno - repeat from the sign
debile weak, feeble
deciso in a bold manner
decrescendo gradually getting softer
delicato - delicately
destra the right hand
devoto - religious
di - of, with, from, etc.
difficile - difficult
dignita - grandeur
diluendo gradual dying away until no sound is left
diminuendo gradually getting softer
di molto - very much
disciolto -- skillful, dexterous
discreto discreetly
di sopra - above
disperato with desperation
divisi - separated (half the players play the upper notes, and the others play the lower notes.
dolce sweetly
dolente sorrowful
dolore grief, sorrow
doloroso sorrowfully
dopo after
doppio movimento twice as fast
drammatico dramatic
deritta, deritto - the right hand
due corde - two strings -- the una corda pedal is to be put half-way down
duo two, in two parts
duolo sorrow, sadness
duro harsh, rude
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