T through to V
tacet --be silent, a term found in the separate or instrumental parts of a composition
tanto -- so much, as much; allegro non tante, not so quick
tardamente -- slowly Tedesea -- German: all tedesa
tema - theme or subject
tempo -- time
tempo giusto - -in strict time
tempo ordinario -- in moderate time
tempo primo -- the original time
tempo rubato -- robbed or irregular time
teneramente --tenderly
tenuto -- sustained
tessitura - -the average range of a vocal part
timoroso -- with hesitation
tosto -- swift, rapid
tranqudlo - -calmness, quietness
trascinando -- dragging the time
tre --three
tre corde - -three strings, an indication to stop using the soft pedal
tremolo - -rapid repetition of a note
trionfale --triumphal
tristezza-- sadness, heaviness
troppo --too much; non troppo not too much
tutta - all, the whole
tutti--as indicated above
Center> U
uguale - -equal, similar
un,una,uno -- a, an, one
una corda - -one string, the soft pedal is to be depressed
va --
go on vaccilando--
irregular in time vago rambling,--
uncertain as to tinie or expression veloce- - swiftly
velocissimo - -
with extreme rapidity vibrato-- a slight varying of pitch produced by the rapid movement of the left hand on a stringed instrument
vigoroso --bold, energetic
violento -- boisterous, vehement
vitamente -- briskly, immediately
vivace-- lively, briskly
vivo -- animated, briskly
volta -- time
volta prima-- first time
volta seconda --the second time
volti - -turn over
volti subito - -turn the page over quickly
volubilita -- freedom of performance
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